Basic Inheritance in Pure JavaScript

JavaScript is a powerful Prototype Based Object Oriented scripting language.

This starting sentence is stating many facts about this language such as:

  1. Of course it is powerful ...
  2. Object Oriented languages are either Class Based (like C++, Java, ...) Or Prototype Based (like JavaScript, ActionScript, ...)
  3. It is a Scripting language which means it is interpreted not compiled (programming languages are compiled)

So, we are trying to show how to implement inheritance in a pure Prototype Based fashion, and we do not go for those framework specific solutions which are trying to bring Class Based fashion to JavaScript!

There is no better example than human beings for Object Orientation.

Father Class: Human
Child Class: Teacher

Anything could be a function in JavaScript so our Human class (Human function) would be like this:

function Human(name){;  
  alert("I am " +

// usage would be like this:

var john = new Human("John Smith");

Now we write the Teacher class (Teacher function) which is extending Human.

// Here's where the inheritance occurs 
Teacher.prototype = new Human();        

// Otherwise instances of Teacher would have a constructor of Human 
Teacher.prototype.constructor = Teacher;       

function Teacher(name, field) { = name;
  this.field = field;

Teacher.prototype.professionalIntroduce = function(){ 
  alert("My name is " + + " and I am a " 
  + this.field + " teacher.");

// usage
var marry = new Teacher("Marry Brown", "Chemistry");


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